Top 3 things you should do before traveling:

  1. Research your destination: Check FCDO travel advice for the country you are visiting
  2. Sign up for email alerts on gov. uk to get the latest travel updates
  3. Get appropriate travel insurance and check it covers all your activities and places you intend to visit


Three things to consider when you are planning a trip overseas:

  • Check the country-specific healthcare advice
  • Check that your UK driving license is current and valid. Make sure that your license allows you to drive in the country you are visiting. You may need a permit
  • Stay up to date by following us on Facebook and Twitter
  • Make a note of how to contact the nearest British embassy or consulate
  • Tell family and friends where you are going. Give them your contact details. passport details, insurance policy details, and your itinerary and/or store online using a secure data storage site
  • Keep a record of the Support for British nationals abroad guidance.


Passports and Visas:

  • Make sure you have got all the necessary visas
  • Check when your passport expires. For most countries, your passport must be valid for a set period in addition to your travel. In most European countries it must be valid for 3 months after you leave that country
  • Take another means of identification (preferably with a photograph)
  • Make sure you have signed your passport
  • Keep your passport secure at all times. Unless you are required to carry the original document, keep your passport in a safe location
  • If your passport is lost, stolen, or damaged while you are on a trip overseas, you will need to apply for an emergency travel document so you can get back home and see


Your Health:

  • Check what vaccinations and health precautions you need at least 8 weeks before you travel
  • Check if your medication is legal in the country you are visiting.
  • If you are taking prescribed medication, take a copy of the prescription with you. and find out if you will need to take a doctor’s letter with you
  • If you are traveling within the EU, your European Health Insurance Card EHIC) is valid until its date of expiry. After which, you can apply for healthcare coverage abroad including a Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC)
  • GHIC will provide you with the same level of medically necessary treatment across the EU. You will still need travel insurance



  • Make sure you have access to enough funds to cover emergencies
  • Check expiry dates on your credit or debit card(s). Inform your bank of your travel plans
  • Use a money belt or secure inside pocket. Do not openly display your cash
  • Do not carry all your cards with you – leave one in a secure location



  • Do not get involved with illegal drugs – the penalties are severe and could include the death sentence
  • Do not carry parcels or luggage through customs for other people


Personal Safety:

  • As you would be in the UK, be alert and observant, and report any unattended items or suspicious activity by individuals to the local police or appropriate authorities. You can call 112 to contact the emergency services


Getting Help:

  • We expect British people to take responsibility for themselves and their safety while overseas. But we can help if you get into difficulties
  • Be sensible about health, visa, and foreign office information.


Sites I use:


Stick With Your Mates:

Going abroad with your mates is all about having fun. Lounging by the pool, catching the rays, and partying into the early hours. It should be a trip you want to remember for the right reasons.

Sadly, for a small number of Brits, their holiday ends in a hospital ward or a police station. But we are here to share with you a few simple tips that can help you have a holiday to remember, not one to forget. Here are five things that can help prevent things going wrong on the strip:

  • Mates that party together, leave together
  • Keep your friends close, but your drinks closer
  • Keep your hotel address on you
  • Share your location
  • Agree a meeting point
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